Support HubHelpful Links & Helpline Numbers

We do not endorse or guarantee the quality of service provided by the organisations mentioned below. Our listing serves solely as a platform to facilitate assistance.
Ahmed Kathrada FoundationCorruption WatchDemocracy WorksOrganized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP)Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse (OUTA)Platform to Protect Whistleblowers in Africa (PPLAAFF)South African Council of ChurchesSouth African Human Rights CommissionThe Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA)The Ethics Institute (TEI)The South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG)
National Helpline Numbers
- National GBV Helpline 0800 150 150
- LifeLine South Africa 0861 322 322
- AIDS Helpline 0800 012 322
- National Counselling Line 0861 322 322
- Childline South Africa 0800 055 555
- South African Police Service 10111
- Legal Aid 0800 110 110
Other Useful Contacts
- Crime Stop 086 001 0111
- Human Rights Commission 011 877 3600
- Lifeline Sexual Health Line 086 132 2322
- Love Life 080 012 1900
- Marie Stopes South Africa 080 011 7785
- People Opposing Women Abuse 011 642 4345
- Rape Crisis 021 447 9762
- Tears Foundation (free SMS helpline) *134*7355#
- Suicide Help 080 056 7567
- The South African Depression and Anxiety
- Group 080 021 2223
- Toll Free Crisis Line 086 157 4747