A Journey of Courage and Resilience

My story did not end as I had envisioned – where the perpetrator would be dismissed and held accountable for the emotional and, in some instances, physical trauma he inflicted on countless young women and myself.

I worked for a well-known establishment in the Cape Winelands, travelling the world and generating millions for the company. As part of the senior management team, I was involved in multiple departments, including the restaurant.

One day, I received an unexpected email from a former employee, a fellow manager, alleging sexual harassment by a senior management member. The victims were women in vulnerable positions, many without proper documentation, leaving them with no legal standing to report the abuse. For these women, standing up against such a high-ranking individual meant risking their livelihoods and reputations, as well as their families’ welfare.

One of the victims confided in me that she felt ashamed for accepting money in exchange for sexual favours, but she had been coerced due to her dire circumstances and the immense power wielded by this man. She didn’t want her friends or family to find out what had happened.

After learning about his predatory behaviour, I knew I had to act. I informed my boss, a long-time friend, but I also wanted to ensure this wouldn’t be swept under the rug. I sought proof without revealing the victims’ identities, aware of how this individual had used surveillance footage to blackmail employees in the past. Unfortunately, my actions backfired.

Those who initially stood by me suddenly withdrew their statements, and someone with fabricated evidence testified against me. I found myself standing alone against a powerful company, with wealthy owners living abroad, all eager to silence the issue.

I lost the job I loved, my confidence, and was physically and mentally threatened by the perpetrator, with the company’s knowledge. I had to obtain a court interdict to protect myself. The company, unable to fault my work, dismissed me on a technicality to remove me from the picture. I considered fighting the dismissal in the labour court, but after months without income and emotional devastation, I couldn’t afford to continue.

It was only through the guidance of my “warrior woman” hero, Cynthia Stimpel, that I received the psychological help which saved my life. With the support of a wise psychologist, I learned that I had done nothing wrong. I could hold my head high, knowing I had acted with dignity. I also realised that I could only guide the victims to seek help from Cynthia’s organisation, rather than fighting their battle for them.

The pain of “losing” still haunts me. I wake up some nights, drenched in sweat, reliving the case and wishing for a different outcome. I know the truth, and it seems so unjust that they could get away with such vile acts. Yet, I also realised how deeply entrenched the patriarchal system is, allowing evil to thrive in seemingly reputable establishments. The “Boys Club” was more powerful than ever.

Despite the outcome, I now understand that the victims must choose to fight for justice themselves. I can only offer guidance. I used to feel anger towards the victims for not standing up, but I’ve come to see the immense fear they face—threats of exile and silence bought by money.

While I didn’t achieve the result I hoped for, my life has taken a different path. I now do work that nourishes my soul and makes a real difference in people’s lives. I’ve moved on from the cover-ups and false smiles of those who should have stopped this behaviour long ago.

I continue to hope that the victims will one day find the courage to seek justice, realising that they were not to blame. No one, no matter their power, has the right to strip away your dignity.

May more people find the strength to stand up when they witness wrongdoings by those in power. As long as you stand by the truth, no one can take away your dignity—a lesson I’ve learned through this life-changing experience. And for that, I am blessed.

Anonymous Whistleblower